Legend meaning

Legend meaning

What is the meaning of legend? She is writing a thesis on Irish legend and mythology. Greek myth about Demeter. Legend definition , a nonhistorical or unverifiable story handed down by tradition from earlier times and popularly accepted as historical. The incident has since become a family legend.

His frequent brushes with death are the stuff of legend among the press. View the pronunciation for legend. The film is based on the legend of Robin Hood. Any person who is funny, reckless, original and sensitive in the right measures is likely to be nominated a legend by his associates.

A person to whose persona you aspire. Narratives in this genre may demonstrate human values, and possess certain qualities that give the tale verisimilitude. Legen for its active and passive participants, includes no happenings that are outside the realm of possibility, but may include miracles.

Legend meaning

Legend , traditional story or group of stories about a particular person or place. With a chart, a legend is an area of a chart describing each of the parts of the chart. See our chart definition for a visual example of a legend. A legend may refer to any of the following: 1. Information and translations of legend in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Legend : an explanatory list of the symbols on a map or chart.

Synonyms: key, caption, cutline… Find the right word. Obsolete , a collection of materials that may be or are to be rea usually for spiritual or moral edification. To add to the confusion between legends and keys, Microsoft refers to each individual element in a legend as a legend key. To the right of each legend key is a name identifying the data represented by the specific key.

Legend meaning

English dictionary definition of legenda. The definition of a legend is a story handed down through generations which is believed to be historical. An example of legend is King Arthur.

Legends are often passed on by word-of-mouth. They are very similar to myths, but myths try to explain what happens in the worl while legends do not necessarily. The word can also mean famous or historically significant people, places, art, etc. We sometimes say of someone.

Legend meaning

Legend , for its active and passive participants, includes no happenings that are outside the realm of possibility, defined by a highly flexible set of parameters, which may include miracles that are perceived as actually having happene within the specific tradition of indoctrination where the legend arises, and within which it may be transformed over time, in order to keep it fresh and. Latin legendus, neuter plural. Find descriptive alternatives for legend. A frightening untrue story in which the storyteller insists is true, but has no evidence to back up. Def: A modern myth.

Also, it never happened to the storyteller but someone removed from them.


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